Today’s entrepreneur is Nick Grant, CEO and Founder of ZippyCart and Killer Infographics.
He is one of the tens of thousands who are on Vator, home to entrepreneurs who innovate, create, and facilitate ideas and products.
Our entrepreneur profiles allow members to share interests, lessons, mistakes as well as insights from their startup journey. So if you are an experienced inno-“vator,” or a first-time entrepreneur, we’d like to hear from you.
ZippyCart is a comprehensive online resource that candidly rates, reviews and compares ecommerce software and shopping carts, providing the most robust and up-to-date technology for any merchant in a small to mid-size business to build an online store. Killer Infographics is design agency dedicated to manifesting top-of-the-line infographics for the web.
According to his entrepreneur assessment test (VEQ), Nick is good at negotiation skills and sales execution. He’s also a thought leader.
Entrepreneur & &
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The most frustrating part is knowing that you need to continue to put in the time and effort to get the proper rewards you want. Some days can be rough, but you have to be persistent and dedicated.
The most rewarding part is watching something you created grow and expand to become a real company that people know about and respect.
Trying to avoid failure. Just jump in and go for it. You cannot be afraid to launch a product or experiment or else you will hinder your startup and inhibit growth.
1 – Growing pains happen. therefore you need to pay attention to when this is occurring, so you can intervene and try and ease the pain. As revenue and staff increase, the dynamic of the business changes, and therefore you need to adjust accordingly, to ensure that you can continue to grow and take things to the next level.
2 – Be smart about asking for help and leveraging the right people and resources. Most entrepreneurs cannot do 100% of the work by themselves, so you need to know when to ask for help and who to ask. Sometimes it is an online resource, other times it is another local startup / entrepreneur, or a skilled developer you may have worked with in the past. If you do get help from someone, make sure to be humble and thankful. Also, make sure that they know you would be happy to return the favor, should they need help on something which you have expertise in.
3 – Startup life is a full time job. when I say full time, I do not mean 40hrs a week, I mean all the time. Be prepared to work whenever or wherever, as the work never stops. Granted some nights and weekends are mellow, but other times it can be pure chaos and little sleep.