Vator is the home to entrepreneurs who embrace their passion and follow their dreams.

Our entrepreneurs create ideas, products, and teams which innovate and create.

Entrepreneurs can create profiles which allow them to tell their stories and share their ups and downs.

These easy-to-make profiles give entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase themselves and tell their story. So if you are an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, or even an aspiring entrepreneur, we’d like to hear from you.

Today’s entrepreneur is Hannah Yang, co-founder of EthiCal Apparel, student-run socially responsible 
t-shirt business at UC Berkeley which provides t-shirt printing services from design to delivery to student groups, campus departments, and businesses.

According to her VEQ, Hannah is good at marketing management, project development and product management.


You are a(n):

First-time entrepreneur

Name companies you’ve founded or co-founded:

EthiCAL Apparel

Name startups you worked for:

EthiCAL Apparel

If you are an entrepreneur, why?

I want to change the world.

List your favorite startups:

Kiva, campus cred, groupon

What’s most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Sometimes, you can’t see what’s at the end of the tunnel. You don’t now what your project will look like later on. This is also the thrill of it. You just gotta go with your guts and keep on with it.

What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?

– being afraid that “you can’t do it” or “your idea is not good enough”, which leads to lack of action

What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

– talk to everyone about your idea 
– Don’t be shy. Take your chances. Approach people. Ask for things 
– growing too fast after initial success (watch out for employee morale)

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