Giving credence to the undying rumor that writers are characteristically unattractive people, Amazon announced Monday that it is launching a new page devoted exclusively to authors called “The Backstory.” The page features author interviews, essays, and reviews, and today’s launch kicks off with five video interviews, including New York Times bestselling author Joshua Foer (who is actually relatively attractive), young adult authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, Gossip Girl producer John Stevens, and celebrity chef Tom Douglas.

In addition to author interviews, The Backstory will also feature other exclusive content from authors, including favorite playlists and recipes, as well as guest reviews, featured author pages, and essays. For example, along with the five debut video interviews, The Backstory currently also features playlist favorites from Lauren Oliver, author of the young adult novel “Delirium,” and Harold Taw, author of “Adventures of the Karaoke King.”

Additionally, the page features select recipes from Allison Fishman, author of “You Can Trust a Skinny Cook,” a Chelsea Handler interview with “Body Confidence” author Mark Macdonald, and a guest review from author Carolyn Parkhurst of Karen McQuestion’s “A Scattered Life.”

New author interviews will be announced via the Books Facebook page, as well as on, the Amazon Books blog, and customers can pose questions for authors on either site or via email at

“We’re extremely lucky to have fascinating and talented authors gracing our hallways here at Amazon and taking time to chat with us,” said Mari Malcolm, Managing Editor of books at, in a statement. “We love these conversations so much that we wanted to share them with our customers.”

Also on the page are featured author pages, which include everything from Twitter interviews, podcasts, and blogs, to movie trailers and additional video interviews. Video interviews created exclusively for The Backstory will be available on both the book’s details page as well as The Backstory archives. Other video interviews in The Backstory archives include Russell Brand, Michael Connelly, Jennifer Egan, Gayle Forman, and more. 

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