Entrepreneurs embrace being at the forefront of change. And, just by being there, they take huge risks and make a difference.

They often live unstable lives. But as they courageously take steps out of their comfort zone, they’ll make several mistakes which become valuable lessons for the rest of us. And, it’s these creative and innovative daredevels who are making an impact on our world. 

Vator’s profiles have been specifically designed for innovators to express themselves by sharing their interests, lessons learned, as well as bits and pieces of their unique journey.

Today’s serial entrepreneur is Ana Real, CEO and founder of Intero,  Faith Estates, Real Success, and Realty World. According to her VEQ, Ana is good at negotiating, sales management, and team motivation.

Like most entrepreneurs, Ana launched Faith Estates while on a shoestring budget. “My motto in life is that you cannot win a game you don’t play, ” she said. “I’ve been excited to have created something out of nothing.”

Ana gets most of her positive energy from working on her other company Real Success where she is a  motivational speaker. Her CD called “Be A Rich Mom” will be on iTunes this May. Go to www.AnaReal.com to buy your copy.

I Am:  An Entrepreneur

Name companies you’ve founded or co-founded:

Real Success, Realty World, Intero

Name startups you worked for:

Intero, Realty World

If you are an entrepreneur, why?

I enjoy the creating proccess and the idea that we can make a difference

List your favorite startups:


What’s most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

The most rewarding is that when things go well it is the most rewarding experience.
I love pushing myself to the point of no return. I enjoy facing a challenge that most
believe to be impossible. I also enjoy working through that same challenge
and breaking through it. Each time learning new things about myself and others.
I am not sure if its a gift or an illness. 🙂 I enjoy pushing myself and others so hard that
we all will either prevail or die! So far nobody has died. A few minor concussions! JK lol

What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?

Not knowing that God is the REAL Ceo!

What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

I needed to think bigger
Have a detailed plan, and system.
To forget the plan and system go with the flow! ( Yet still have a detailed system and plan!)

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