If any of you come across a new Startup – be it a website, blog, social networking site, or any other such “Internet Product”, please e-mail us the URL immediately to tellus@whatsnewonthenet.com or whatsnewonthenet.com@gmail.com
If we find that the Startup meets all our criteria, we will feature it on our website www.whatsnewonthenet.com
What you should be looking out for:
(a) Age of Startup should not be over 3 years from the time of your discovery
(b) It must be either in an Alpha or Beta stage
(c) It should be an online Startup, i.e. the Startup should only be related/about the Internet/online life and NOT the ‘Real World’. I illustrate with an example: Company X launches its website is a NO NO. Estonia-based graphics firm launching a new webtool for surfers is a YES YES. Gotcha?
If you happen to be the owner of a website or blog, which was launched recently, all the more better. Just send the URL to tellus@whatsnewonthenet.com or whatsnewonthenet.com@gmail.com