Chances are if you work in an office, especially in what is often referred to as a “cubicle farm,” then you have probably found yourself on occasion day dreaming about doing your job from home. Realistically speaking there is nothing you may do day to day that couldn’t be done from a marginally equipped home office, and it could be done in your pajamas.

Well dust off your best pair of work slippers because your dreams just possibly might be answered. Telework Research Network conducted a recent study that says small- and medium-sized businesses may actually save a substantial amount of money by allowing their employees to work from home.

Companies that send 100 workers to their home offices for half of the time can save as much as $1.1 million, translating to $11,000 per worker in savings. In this economy, can any business afford to ignore those types of savings? Not to mention the benefits to your employees by giving them a few work from home days. The study shows workers are more productive on their days at home as well as being able to save money themselves on transportation costs and wear and tear on their vehicles.

Another way small businesses have found to save money is through sharing office spaces. As larger companies with big office or warehouse space are forced to close their doors, smaller business can capitalize on their misfortunes.

Companies like POOL Together in Mesa, Arizona, and Coloft in Santa Monica, California, are helping small businesses come together in mutually beneficial shared office spaces left vacant by larger corporations. They then offer assistance with business planning, marketing, space customization and cross-pollination, all as part of their lease agreements becoming partners, more than landlords.

Small businesses can benefit from this type of situation in many ways. First and foremost is they save money in rent as opposed to leasing their own office space. Also certain departments can be merged for all the companies sharing the space such as IT needs and office services.

Joint accounts can be set up and linked to in-office postage meters and postage scales to handle all mailing needs for each company. Bulk discounts may be available that otherwise would not be possible for each individual businesses shipping needs, but are when combined under one account.

With the economy down, and no solid indicators available to identify when things may improve, businesses need to explore any way out there to cut costs without jeopardizing profits. Both of these options just may provide an opportunity to do just that for you.

Patrick Kelly is an expert writer on phone systems based in San Diego, California.  He writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as VoIP service at Resource Nation.

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