1. A client needs to confirm sales appointments made for the week. The list is faxed to a VA. The VA calls the appointments and notes who is confirmed and who must be rescheduled. The list is faxed back to the client.
2. A client is preparing an advertising plan and emails what further information is needed. The VA contacts possible advertising places on the Internet, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, etc. and acquires information on pricing, publishing dates, publishing deadlines, payment policies, etc. All information is compiled into a report for the client to review.
3. A client is preparing a seminar and needs a PowerPoint presentation prepared. Sketches of diagrams and charts are faxed to a VA. The VA prepares the PowerPoint slides and sends the document to the client via email attachment.
4. A client is preparing a direct mailing and needs to verify his database. The database is sent to the VA via email attachment. The VA telephones each name and verifies name, spelling, title and address. All corrections are made, old names are deleted, new names are added. The corrected database is zipped and returned to the client via email attachment.
5. A client wants to publish a quarterly newsletter. The client provides the content and the mailing list to the VA. The VA types and prepares the newsletter, prepares labels, and mails the newsletter.
6. A new entrepreneur needs a tri-fold brochure for their new business. A VA can design, type and print a tri-fold brochure and may use client-provided art.
7. A client cannot keep up with the volume of email and is missing important messages. The client sets up a general email account (info@xxx.com). The VA retrieves all email, sorts, responds to routine requests, and forwards items of importance to the client at their personal email account (myname@xxx.com).
8. A client needs a telephone conversation (i.e., conference call, telecasts, etc.) recorded. The VA records the call and transcribes the tape for the participants.
9. A client is leaving on a business trip but doesn’t want the phone to be left unattended. The client activates call forwarding to the VA’s telephone and gives the VA the business itinerary. The VA answers all calls, responds to routine requests, and contacts the client with urgent messages.
10. A client issues a variety of sales brochures. Email requests are forwarded to the VA. The VA’s fax number is advertised. Postcards are mailed with the VA’s address as the return address. The VA is stocked with a supply of each sales brochure and mails the appropriate brochure upon receipt of request. The VA also updates the client’s database with name, address, date and type of brochure requested.
Rakesh Verma