RiotWiseOneRiot has just made RiotWise, the search engine’s solution to monetizing real-time Web applications, available to all developers. The product had previously been made available for various iPhone apps, Twitter clients, and third-party search engines, but starting today any and all developers will be able to take advantage of the technology.

RiotWise monetizes real-time content by actually inserting advertising content directly into the stream. Drawing on trending topics, RiotWise ads are highly targeted and clearly denoted in the stream, unless they appear as banner ads.

Because of the highly relevant nature of the ads presented by RiotWise, click-through rates have been understandably extraordinary. RiotWise ads have performed three to four times better than industry standard ads for real-time applications, according to OneRiot’s own calculations.

Recognizing the risk of highlighting irrelevant content or spam, OneRiot has invested tons of time and money into sieving out what’s unnecessary and what’s not actually legitimate.

As far as anyone can tell, though, OneRiot’s ad solution is working as it should and could possibly revolutionize advertising for the real-time Web. Never before on any other medium has it been so within the content provider’s ability to know the user on a level that promises high levels of engagement.

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