Personera“With technology all around us, we still love the feeling of staring at a picture on the wall, scribbling important notes in a planner, and flipping through a magazine on the couch.”

So claims Personera, a company that launched a service Wednesday that enables any user, through Facebook Connect, to create fully customizable and totally personal calendars.

After logging in their Facebook account information and picking a theme for their design, users can take advantage of all sorts of useful information available through the social networking site to make a completely personalized calendar. Photos of friends and family can be dragged and dropped into the template. Friends’ birthdays can be automatically inputted into their dates on the calendar. Even Facebook and custom events can be added.

Personera eg

For $24.95 (including shipping), Personera customers receive their 32-page, 12-month personalized calendar, along with a year planner, a removable photo collage, and cut-out birthday cards.

While Personera appears to have their business strategy solidly tied down, they might experience some difficulties in trying to find a customer base in a world increasingly completely digital. For example, how efficient would it be to go to the trouble of adding Facebook events to a calendar, since Facebook events so often only get created just weeks, if not days, before the actual event? Social networking users, adapted to a dynamic digital lifestyle may have trouble adjusting towards the solid-state physical realm of paper calendars. Alternatively, Personera encourages a flood of creativity, so their calendars may end up making excellent gifts.

To date, Personera has raised $125,000 from Michael Leeman, Vinny Lingham, and Tomas Van den Berckt.

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