I remember last year Oct 2008, when I saw the stock market crashed and went down 700 points in a day wiping out the gains of a decade, it was like a nightmare visit by Bloody Financial Mary. The nightmare continues its parade until the March 2009, and when she decided to leave the corpses alone and left for some time.

Now almost a year later, when i see my portfolio it has some fresh greens in it and gains little life. We are riding the wave again as it was just another nightmare and now its over. But when you hear the expert views in the media, you will get confused and suspicious of this recovery. Seems like everyone is now have a distrust and have not recovered from the massacre of last year. I found bleeding financial gurus everywhere and they are still collecting the body parts after the blast. Maybe this gruesome explanation is too much for some of us to adhere to but, its a fact of life. The popular saying ” if you can’t stand the heat then, get out of the kitchen” applies to the weakening nerves of stock market investors.

So, what us teens should do? Should we get scared from all this shock and awe of stocks market, or learn how to stand the heat!!! I guess it all depends on one feel about risks and rewards. I am all for taking measured risks, and learning the tricks on how to trade in stocks and develop the ways to keep in the game. But for me its all Mock investing so I can take the chance.

One thing I know for sure is that, at this early stage I have one thing definitely on my side, which is the most important commodity is “Time”. I am ready to use it in my favor.
Let me know what your all young investors think out there and your ideas on handling or as they say capitalizing on the next visit by the ” Bloody Financial Mary”.


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