Larry Cheng of Fidelity Ventures updated his Global VC Blog directory yesterday, including rankings by number of RSS subscribers. If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s worth a look to see who you’re not yet following.

Popularity contest? Youbetcha. Guy Kawasaki and Fred Wilson top the list and have about 3x as many followers as the next in line, Bill Gurley and David Hornik. While the first two do blog every day, it turns out you don’t have to write down every thought you have to make the list–Bill and David are pretty sporadic–a couple times a month at most.

Here’s my take on the top 5:

Guy Kawasaki: How to Change the World The best source of handy tips for marketers and early-stage entrepreneurs. He experiments a lot with social media marketing, and discovers things like the power of re-tweeting. Check out his Vator pitch for his company Alltop here.

Fred Wilson: A VC  Your daily dose of higher-level thinking about the VC industry. No personal cat stories, lots of data, lots of advice. Fred is also a contributor here on Vator.

Bill Gurley: Above the Crowd Use Bill for the once-a-month Sunday sit-down to figure out your long-term strategy. His last post, “What is Really Happening to the Venture Capital Industry?” from August 24 is still a must-read.

David Hornick: VentureBlog Ever wish you could sit a VC on the couch and get inside his head? David’s introspective journal is an old-school web log of personal thoughts.

Brad Feld: Feld Thoughts If you just need a VC to talk to, come to Brad. He has as many personal posts about Pee Tweets and mountain hikes as he does about terms sheets and patent law. Brad’s also a Vator contributor.

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