For a while now, thousands of Yahoo employees have been on pins and needles about who’d be receiving pink slips.  As expected, 1500 employees were recently let go. Among those sacked was George Oates, who was Flickr’s chief designer, and a high-profile member of the popular photo-sharing site. Now where will all these good people go?

Well, just a week ago, Microsoft poached a top Yahoo executive to be president of its Internet services business. This may be an opportunity for Microsoft to snag some more.

See: Yahoo layoffs, live on Twitter

Supermarkets may have found a solution to slash costs. On what? Price tags! According to Sunit Saxena, CEO of Altierre Digital Retail, one national chain wastes 90 million sheets of paper on price tags. That’s a lot of trees.

Altierre plans to resolve this problem by swapping paper with electronic price tags. That’s good news for supermarkets that want to save on paper and labor costs. But I kind of like those workers tagging the food. Now who am I going to ask where the random grocery item is?

See: Digital price tags save energy and costs

This week, we featured “Lessons Learned”  by Tony Fish of AMF Ventures. He says be “telepathic” with your team, which doesn’t mean stare at your colleagues and assume you know what they are thinking. He means take out the pain, drama, and of course all the politics and just be one.

Sounds like something I heard in a yoga class. Great for team building. Sign me up.

See: Take the pain early

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