I practically suggest in the title that 12seconds.tv is an hugely unprepared video network, and completely unsuited for the realms of mobile phone video.

The company is responsible for user-generated video content of a mere 12 seconds. Sounds ridiculous, right?

Well, not exactly. First of all, video messaging is starting to take root with sites like Seesmic, which calls itself the Twitter for video. And, Viddler launched a Web site called 15s.viddler.com.

People can create contests for the funniest 12-second clip. Or, if you’re a news organization, you could use 12 seconds of video to tap into what’s on the average citizen’s mind.

12 challenge: BBC Have Your Say – Economic downturn – how bad can it get? Give some examples. on 12seconds.tv

12seconds.tv is now partnering with Qik.com and Flixwagon.com to get into mobile lifestreaming, according to RWW.  The idea behind this “simple solution” that 12seconds.tv users can submit 12 seconds of their live recorded video to their 12seconds.tv account from recordings made using Qik.com and Flixwagon. 

Sounds great. What benefit does this bring to all parties?

Firstly, we know that 12 seconds is possibly the shortest recording length you could possibly afford to get by on. However, it is helping to create discussion, opinion and some thoughtful insight amongst many of its users about current issues and topics. The addition of a mobile recording solution would provide a great way for users to create a spur of a moment 12 second video clip wherever they are.

Plus with it being intergrated into already widely adopted platform (Qik and Flixwagon), it provides a much wider net to collect new users in.

On the other hand, here is an example of the Qik.com client interface connecting to 12seconds.tv:

Qik Video on 12seconds.tv

The words “simply not enough time” come to mind with that demonstration.

It shows the key features that Qik can so easily enable a user with are being incredibly restricted by a poor idea.

I believe personally that 12seconds.tv is all about making very creative videos in the shortest time possible. As I mentioned, it is a great tool to discuss with but in my opinion simply not good enough to be made use of in the Qik and Flixwagon clients.

What do you think?

Have Qik and Flixwagon made the right move, or is 12seconds.tv out of its depth with this move into mobile livestreaming?

(Image source: Jyesmith)

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