Small businesses have always confronted with addressing their IT necessities. The lack of resources – be it staff, budgets or managing resources – have determined SMBs to start exploring the offshore outsourcing option. Throughout my experience as an IT services provider, I’ve realized that start ups and small enterprises have specific needs that few outsourcing providers can address correctly. Affordable IT solutions that are easily to install and configure, service/support requirements and, most of all, integrated ready-to-use methodologies and tools are the most critical demands of an SMB willing to outsource its IT department.
What drives small companies to IT outsourcing?
The SMB market is eager to find affordable IT solutions that are easy to use. Just as important, however, are the requirement that address SMB deployment issues, operational challenges and service/support requirements. SMBs want IT solutions that are easy to install and configure, and require minimal customization and integration. More importantly, they demand responsive and reliable after-sales service and support.
What holds them back?
Affordability: Market figures point out that approx 40% of SMBs state cost as still the strongest reason preventing them from outsourcing. But offshoring proved that in most cases the outsourcing option will be significantly cheaper than hiring in-house staff – since manpower or infrastructure costs are lower at the vendor’s location.
Trust: Lack of clearly defined methodologies and contracts, quality certifications, security assurance and even cultural issues can contribute to low trust levels among SMBs when engaging in an outsourcing relationship. The vendor must be able to place confidence, expect with assurance, agree to the contract, and act predictably and fairly in order to obtain trust from their clients.
Intellectual Property and Data Security: One of the major drawbacks for outsourcing adoption among SMBs is related to protection of intellectual property and information in general. Especially for technology-intensive start ups that rely on innovation, these are business-critical issues, and not all providers have yet in place the procedures for ensuring all these.
Understanding: A clear understanding of the outsourcing process and benefits is minimal among small companies. Offshore software services vendors are more interested in adding Fortune 500 names to their client lists and hence have failed to educate small businesses about the benefits of outsourcing.
Volume of work: Large service providers would rather work with large corporations that can outsource large volumes of work. The volume of work outsourced by SMBs may not be feasible for large vendors. This trend seems to be reversing, but slowly.
Management experience: Small and medium businesses do not have the “management experience” required to work with an outsourcing project. Large corporations, for instance, have dedicated specialized resources to manage vendors.
True benefits of IT Outsourcing for SMBs
Process Maturity:
Cost Savings
Knowledge & Expertise: