As web based product development and game development both become
more iterative, better datamining and analysis becomes more and more
important. But the data generated by users behavior can be almost
overwhelming. How should a startup think about getting the most insight
and value from their data?

Anand Rajaraman is a co-founder of Kosmix, a Lightspeed portfolio company, and also teaches a datamining class at Stanford. He knows a thing or two about the subject, and he suggests that more data usually beats better algorithms:

Different student teams in my class adopted different
approaches to the [Netflix challenge] problem, using both published
algorithms and novel ideas. Of these, the results from two of the teams
illustrate a broader point. Team A came up with a very sophisticated
algorithm using the Netflix data. Team B used a very simple algorithm,
but they added in additional data beyond the Netflix set: information
about movie genres from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). Guess which
team did better?

Team B got much better results, close to the best results on the
Netflix leaderboard!! I’m really happy for them, and they’re going to
tune their algorithm and take a crack at the grand prize. But the
bigger point is, adding more, independent data usually beats out
designing ever-better algorithms to analyze an existing data set. I’m
often suprised [sic] that many people in the business, and even in
academia, don’t realize this.

Another fine illustration of this principle comes from Google. Most
people think Google’s success is due to their brilliant algorithms,
especially PageRank. In reality, the two big innovations that Larry and
Sergey introduced, that really took search to the next level in 1998,

1. The recognition that hyperlinks were an important measure of popularity — a link to a webpage counts as a vote for it.
2. The use of anchortext (the text of hyperlinks) in the web index, giving it a weight close to the page title.

First generation search engines had used only the text of the web
pages themselves. The addition of these two additional data sets —
hyperlinks and anchortext — took Google’s search to the next level. The
PageRank algorithm itself is a minor detail — any halfway decent
algorithm that exploited this additional data would have produced
roughly comparable results.

In a followup post, he notes that:

1. More data is usually better than more complex algorithms because complex algorithms don’t scale as well (computationally) and
2. More independent data is better than more of the same data, but if
data was originally sparse, then more of the same data can help a lot

Mayank Bawa of Aster Data chimes in to say that running simple analysis over complete datasets is better than running more complex data over sampled datasets for two reasons:

1. The freedom of big data allows us to bring in related datasets that provide contextual richness.
2. Simple algorithms allow us to identify small nuances by leveraging contextual richness in the data.

In other words, since human behavior is complex, and some behavior
crossmatches are rare, using a sample of data will cause some important
but rare correlations to be lost into the noise.

He also points out that Google takes a similar approach to datamining.

This is good stuff.

To read more from Jeremy, visit his blog

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