Surf Canyon, a company that adds a “real-time implicit personalization layer” to search results, just raised $600,000. When I first saw Surf Canyon’s company profile and video pitch on Vator, I thought it was a cool company. It also looked like it had similarities with Browster, a company that tried to make the “browsing” experience easier by allowing people to get a snapshot of a page by just scrolling over the link. Mark Cramer, the founder of Surf Canyon, had this to say about the similarity. “While the implementation is similar (browser plug-in), the technology
is completely different. They (Browster) had a visual solution (enabling users to
‘see’ past the links without having to click) while we have an
algorithmic solution (calculating ‘instantaneous relevancies’ based on
a real-time inferred intent model derived from behavioral signals).” There you have it. But rather than having me explain how it works, just take a look at the video pitch describing how Surf Canyon works.