(Editor’s note: To give our community of innovators access to more entrepreneurial brainpower, Vator.tv is proud to introduce IvyBrain, a new talk show from guest contributor Reena Jadhav.

The show is one of several we plan to roll out over the coming months from our community members who  are using the Vator.tv platform as a network for their own channels on innovation and entrepreneurship.)

Being an entrepreneur is a tough gig — just ask any over-caffienated ‘crackberry’ junky. 

Those who’ve climbed the mountain and seen the light offer this insight: surround yourself with experts. 

We plan to do just that with IvyBrain, a new show that will feature guest experts answering the tough questions faced and asked by entrepreneurs.

What’s keeping you up at night? Is it funding, cost of customer acquisition, a poor hire, or simply the fourth dose of stimulant you should have skipped? Make sure to Post Your Question Now in our forum under the right category.

This month we’ve lined up guest experts Tim Draper, who will shed light on the venture capital world; Ted Wang of Fenwick & West, to answer legal questions;  Ed Lambert, executive with BridgeBank, a  Silicon Valley bank; Joel York from Conduit, who’ll talk marketing; author and motivational speaker Roe Gallo on executive coaching; Max Shapiro on recruiting and Uday Walia of CareerHero on technology.

For the complete list of guests and show times go to http://www.ivybrain.com

Then tune in to the show to hear the answers. Keep Winning!

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