Tina Seelig, executive director of Stanford University’s technology ventures program, sat down with Vator.tv campus correspondent Theresa Johnson to discuss upcoming events for Stanford’s Entrepreneurship Week.

The E-Week event features panel discussions, workshops and other gatherings to help entrepreneur-minded students network and gain insight into what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

“Entrepreneurship is about doing stuff, it’s not just about planning and thinking about it,” Seelig says.

The event will also feature the screening of the documentary “Imagine It,” which chronicles an entrepreneurial challenge that Stanford gave last year to students, who were given a pack of Post-It notes and five days to create value from them.

In this interviw, Seelig also discusses what she calls her “controversial” view of the growing trend toward social entrepreneurship.

“There is a huge interest from students about social entrepreneurship… but I don’t think that needs to happen outside the confines of a traditional business,” which have plenty of opportunities to be socially responsible, she says.

Eventually, she hopes that social entrepreneurship will merge into the more traditional model of starting a business, rather than a non-profit.



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