The investment climate for clean tech companies is currently very favorable. In 2006 alone, $1.28 billion in VC money was invested in 140 companies. The amount invested in this sector was the highest since 2001 and was double that of 2005. In this episode, Bambi and Tony Perkins highlight some of the current trends in the clean tech field, and introduce some of the clean tech players on Featured in this episode are the founders of Greener and Techtain.


Always On, which will host its GoingGreen conference on September 10th-12th at UC Davis, used to help identify top emerging companies that are creating new business opportunities in the clean tech field. The Always On team recently selected d.light design as the winner of the Always On “Clean Technology” competition on Vino Veritas, the runner up, and Serious Materials (third in place), as well as the other submissions to the competition are all worth checking out and can be found here.

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