Chris  J. Ellis

Chris J. Ellis

I have 10+ years of sales and business development experience in startup communities in the SF Bay Area/ LA. I like to work in creative environments where we build solutions to solve real world problems for individuals and organizations.

Santa Monica/ Palo Alto
Member since July 07, 2014
I am an aspiring entrepreneur passionate about utilizing technology in creative ways to build innovative solutions. Quote_down
  • About
Investor interests
Locations of interest
Credentials None
University of Arizona , BS , Marketing

I am a(n):

Aspiring entrepreneur

Companies I work or worked for:
AirMagnet, Meraki, Upwardly Mobile, Iomega, WePow
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

Salesperson of the Year 2009 (100+ reps)

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I'm bursting with ideas!

My favorite startups:

Square, Uber, Cover, Thousand Eyes, High Five, Surf Air, Coin

What's most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?

Frustrating: There is always more under the surface.

Rewarding: Solving Problems, Finding Creative Solutions

What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs/innovators make?

Entrepreneurs often forget to research all aspects of the business, not just the competition and market...

What are the top three lessons you've learned as an entrepreneur?

Have an understanding of all areas of your business.

Stay the course, even when you have doubters. You will succeed.

There is always more to do.

Full bio

I have 10+ years of sales and business development experience in startup communities in the SF Bay Area and LA.

I have worn many hats, product mgmt, marketing, sales, management, operations, etc. I am always up for a challenge and happy to help in all areas of researching, designing, launching and growing a successful business!

My ideal working environment would be one where I can be creative and build solutions to solve real world problems for individuals and companies!

I have also made limited investments in varying venture opportunities.