Memeoirs News Bites

We're getting loads of feedback from happy users. Life is like a cave, shout something good, and it'll shout something good back. on April 14
You can make a book with your GMail and / or Yahoo account. Soon, we'll be rolling other providers as well. on April 11
Couples have found Memeoirs to be the perfect gift to honor years of heartfelt communication. We're honored ourselves. on April 11
We have just pushed a shinny gallery page, where some of our fine books are on display. This is what you get, and with your emails on it! on April 08
We have conceived two different templates for the inner layout of our books. Also, we give users the choice of printing a paperback, or a hardcover book. on February 17
Memeoirs has been picked up by some South American media people. Happy to hear about such great reception! on February 10
We have just launched and are promoting Memeoirs. Getting people to notice us, and talk about us. on February 05