Steven Cramer

Steven Cramer

I am a professor of neurology. I research new methods to repair the brain and to improve the outcome of patients. I am very interested in translating these efforts into maximum impact on society.

Member since August 27, 2014
Help repair the world by improving the lives of patients. Quote_down
  • About
1983 University of California, Berkeley , BA , Neurobiology
1988 University of Southern California , MD , Medicine
1997 Harvard Medical School , MS , Masters of Clinical Investigation

I am a(n):

Professor, Physician, Scientist

Companies I've founded or co-founded:
Achievements (products built, personal awards won):

1985-88 Joseph Collins Foundation Scholarship
USC Merit Scholarship
1986 Neuroscience Award, Western Medical Student Research Forum
USC Student Research Fellowship
Dean's Scholar
1991 UCLA Solomon Scholar
1997 Robert G. Siekert New Investigator Award in Stroke, Honorable Mention,
American Heart Association
2003 van den Noort Award for junior faculty research, UC Irvine Dept. Neurology
2004 Specialist of the Month Award, UC Irvine Primary Care Medical Group
2004 UCI Medical Center Exemplary Performance Award
2005 Nicholas Foundation Prize
2009 “Vision in Emergency Medical Services” Award, from Orange County, CA
Emergency Medical Services, for work setting up Stroke Receiving Centers
Elected to membership, American Neurological Association
2010 Named a “Physician of Excellence” by the Orange County Medical Association
2011 “Highly Commended” by the British Medical Association Medical Book Awards,
for “Brain Repair after Stroke”
Member, “Blue Ribbon Panel on Rehabilitation Research at the National Institutes
of Health”, Bethesda, MD
Chair, Rehabilitation and Recovery Committee, American Heart Association
2012 Outstanding Mentor Award, University of California, Irvine/ICTS
2nd place prize winner, Plexus Journal Creative Writing Contest
Eric Corey Raps Memorial Lecturer, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2013 Peter Jay Sharp Visiting Professor in Neurological Rehabilitation,
Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY.
2014 Dr. Lui Che Woo Distinguished Professorship, Chinese University of Hong
Kong, China
Chair, Recovery/Rehabilitation Scientific Working Group; member, Executive
Committee, NIH StrokeNet

If you're an entrepreneur or corporate innovator, why?

I'm bursting with ideas!

My favorite startups:


Full bio

Dr. Steve Cramer is a Professor of Neurology, Anatomy & Neurobiology, and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of California, Irvine.  He is also the Vice Chair for Research in Neurology, the Clinical Director of the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center, and the Associate Director of the UC Irvine Institute for Clinical & Translational Science.  Dr. Cramer did a residency in internal medicine at UCLA, then did a second residency in neurology plus and a fellowship in cerebrovascular disease at Massachusetts General Hospital. He co-edited the book “Brain Repair after Stroke,” is an Assistant Editor at the journal Stroke, is the author of over 200 articles and chapters; and composed one US patent, 1 IDE, and 3 INDs.  He has had several dozen grants funded and is currently principal investigator on several, including the NIH grant “Brain plasticity and rehabilitation after stroke.” 

His research focuses on brain repair after central nervous system injury in humans, with an emphasis on recovery after stroke.  Treatments under examination include robots, stem cells, brain stimulation, growth factors, a monoclonal antibody, telehealth devices, and other approaches.  A major emphasis is on translating new drugs and devices to reduce disability after stroke.  An important question is how to predict the response of individual patients to such restorative therapies. 

A major new effort is the use of emerging technologies to improve patient outcomes.  American medicine has made huge advances in recent decades, but the systems by which these are delivered have evolved much more slowly.  New approaches are needed to educate, engage, and enable patients and their families.  This is the current focus and is the overarching focus of personalRN.