Michael Darius

Michael Darius

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darius
Member since August 15, 2016
  • About

Full bio
Michael is an industry leading human interface designer with 20 years providing insight performing research and product experience planning for startups & Fortune 100 companies, including five years designing presentations for Steve Jobs' keynotes. With a missionary spirit and background in comparative media studies, Michael has enjoyed working with world-class teams at Sony, 3Com, Cisco and Apple to create breakthrough product experiences which we have grown to know and love such as iCloud, iTunes, and the iLife suite of apps. Investigating the boundaries between identity construction, object narrative, and the connected self Michael is also the chapter founder of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA San Diego), Design Partner, Principal Coach and Facilitator at rethinkCAFÉ, a service design incubator and founders program for designers.