Starup help is here

Steve Rosenbaum · October 22, 2008 · Short URL:

We've got what it takes

Ok,  I admit it.  I've done this before.  I've built companies.  I've seen downturns.  I've cut costs.  And the world didn't end.

It's not ending now. But it sure can feel that way.

So here's my offer - let's those of us who've done this before volunteer to lend a hand and reach out to new start ups who need an objective voice to listen, and give them feedback.

The offer is simple.  I'll adopt 4 start ups from first time entrepreneurs.  All I ask is that they not be directly in our space (web video platform publishing and video discovery).  Other than that - we're open.  Email me at Steve (at) if you think that having a pen-pal,  startup buddy would help you get some perspective on all this.  

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