What am I Missy? Episode 3

Meliza Solan Surdi · November 22, 2008 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/56b

Twitter downtime; Google's "Stickers" look; Yahoo CEO search

Here's three top stories we covered on VatorNews this past week.

No. 3 - Twitter was experiencing maintenance issues one day last week. I have to admit, I did experience a moment of silence when the micro-blogging site went down. The ambient noise is much needed because the Web is just not the same without it!

See: Hold those thoughts - Twitter down

No. 2 - Here at Vator, we're going to start calling Google "Stickers." I'm sure you've seen that little red race car in the animated film called "Cars." Although the search giant is known for keeping much of its properties void of ads, it appears to be opting for this busy commercialized look during these difficult times.Recently, Google started putting ads on its finance pages. 

See: I'm going to start calling Google, "Stickers"

Shareholders have cheered that Yahoo 's CEO had finally stepped down. The hunt is on for the next internet pioneer. Although there is an executive search firm out there, we we thought we could share a bit of our two cents. The top candidate must be qualified to handle vexatious shareholders, must be able to write company memos in lowercase, and must be able to use a peanut butter knife is the most professional way possible. Best of luck, Yahoo. Reinventing the internet is in your hands!

See: Who's going to reinvent Yahoo?



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